Thursday, December 09, 2010

It's Simple. It's About World Domination

The Goal of "American foreign policy" IS simple: global, economic, military and political hegemony. In pursuit of that goal, the US Gummint--acting in Y/OUR names--has unleashed its military forces on competing Nations no fewer than 50 (FIFTY) times since the end of World War II. The death toll is staggering; uncountable, really, including the anonymous dead in both Koreas, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Chile, and now, of course, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.
We are, indeed, NUMBER ONE in aggressive interference...


Mauigirl said...

Very thought provoking video. Thanks for posting this. I'm sick of hearing all the "patriotic" people saying anyone who criticizes America is un-American. America needs criticism before it turns into a fascist state. Which unfortunately is already upon us...

One Fly said...
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One Fly said...

I'm so goddamn tired of it. What's worse for the most part no one gives a shit

Life As I Know It Now said...

The GOP, their followers, and the wingnuts KNOW this but they don't like you talking about it and they prefer to rename their crimes and convince the uneducated that they ARE bringing democracy to the rest of the world. So THAT'S why they hate liberals so much, because we won't lie about this shit!