Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Are Atheists Angy? You REALLY Wanna Know?

To answer the question, I'd say, mostly, cuz them pushy, righteous, pious, hypocritical fucking Cristo-theocrats wanna keep shoving THEIR version of some mystical, long-dead, zombie-'god' creature into the fabric of law and gummint with which EVERYBODY would be compelled to comply.

Knock that shit off, and we'll settle the fuck right down. Promise!

"The demand from the Oligarchs for civility amounts to a feces-soaked ball-gag shoved in the mouths of the powerless to rob them of the force of their anger." ~~ Dr. Woody, 2011.

Friday, November 25, 2011

You Can't Argue With "Stupid," Cuz Stupid ALWAYS Wins

So just ignore the imbecilic fuckers. Most FauxNooz viewers are men hoping to get their next and possibly last sexual charge from a flash of white up the skirts of one of the Nooz-Reader Hareem of vacuous, bosomy, leggy blondes with peach pits for brains.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

GOP Foreign Policy: Go To War!

Re: The GOP "foreign policy" debate, which focused on foreign posturing and national "security." What was UNSAID!

The GOP Candidate Clown Car debauched its contents onto yet another stage an "debated" topics from the Patriot Act to the roll of the TSA, while some critical topics were avoided such as the Eurozone and Iran.

Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration official and columnist, gives us his thoughts on the GOP debate. "Syria's first; then Iran." FORGET those cretinous, credulous morons like Alex Jones. Here's a guy with the "inside skinny.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Face of Bovine Bellicosity; "You Can't MAKE Me Think!"

You KNOW how we do, Bugs!!!. Thanks, Win-STONE!...Hola, Hippies,

Regardez-vous the "Face of Bovine Bellicosity, Murkin Style!" (Joe: start image, full frame, here)

His posture, his rhetoric, his look: All of it screams "I WON'T THINK!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! G'WAN, TRY IT, MOFO!"

His name is Max. And at least he's NOT claiming he's NOT one of the 99%, which sop for many of the self-satisfied, self proclaimed 53 percenters do.

But WOULD YOU JUST LOOK at that face!

Jayzus! I've seen cattle that exhibited ex-actly the same ignorant, perverse, cud-chewing, pugnacious stubbornness when it was time to move'em

This is the face of a person who has never once been troubled with nuance, who is a complete and utter stranger to complexity, which has NEVER, ever, once, in all his years, been troubled by an idea of ANY sort of abstraction. And how old IS he?

Does this face look like a 30+ year-old-man? I did the arithmetic. One tour in the Corps = 4 years. Then 8 years to "work his way through school" (with the GI Bill?) Anyway, that's 12 years. He HAD to be 18 to enlist. So that means he's AT LEAST 30.

(PS: I did it in three, on the Bill, working two-three jobs, and carried 18 hours/semester, too...what's his problem??? OH, yeah...)

There's not even a flickering gleam of intelligence to be seen in the whole of the vast expanse of bellicose jaw, belligerent forehead, flushed and ruddy cheeks, or the distinctly barn-yard-like, ever-so-slightly crossed eyes.

I bet he was a good soldier. "STRACK," they call 'em, latterly. He'll work his ass off, for the mission and his illusion of his superiority. He'll take ORDERS, sir, yes SIR! Seventy hours? May I have SOME MORE, SIR, please SIR?!

You want your whole army made up of exactly this kind of specimen. Big, brawny, inchoately or misdirectedly angry, and not very bright. Eager, though. And willing. Just tell 'em what to do.

Who equate 'success' with virtue.

And "doesn't blame Wall Street." (Is Max even DUMBER than he looks? Who knows?)

There is a very good reply to both the tone and substance of the resentful fellow's complaint at this site. Here's one "money-quote," from the reply--from the link, to the obnoxious prick:
...I’m a liberal, so I probably dream bigger than you. For instance, I want everybody to have healthcare. I want lazy people to have healthcare. I want stupid people to have healthcare. I want drug addicts to have healthcare. I want bums who refuse to work even when given the opportunity to have healthcare. I’m willing to pay for that with my taxes, because I want to live in a society where it doesn’t matter how much of a loser you are, if you need medical care you can get it. And not just by crowding up an emergency room that should be dedicated exclusively to helping people in emergencies...
I'l bet you dollahs to quatloos that, if the boy could read it --by no means a given--he'd still be unpersuaded; he wouldn't get it, gay-ron-teed, chers...The whole thing is worthy of your attention.

Indeed, copy it for further use, because there are more of them, still, than there are of us. Mebbe we can hold 'em off at the beach?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Congresscritters "Beat" the market 12% of the time

But it's legal for 'em to take un-publicized, 'congressional" information, and then to buy/sell stocks on that basis.
I already called my light-weight Congresscritter and DEMANDED the fujcker sign on to The STOCK Act as a co-sponsor, or loose my vote, entirely...

The Boner flat out lies, and Pelosi, that suppurating slag, gets all huffy and avoids the issue.

EVERYBODY fucking cheats. You're a fucking fool to play it straight when EVERYBODY ELSE is on the pad...

Line up the tumbrels and sharpen the fucking blade, and bring these skeevy motherfuckers out, one at a time, and cut off their fuuking heads.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dover, Pa: Where Reason Won

In this award winning documentary, NOVA captures the turmoil that tore apart the community of Dover, Pennsylvania in one of the latest battles over teaching evolution in public schools. Featuring trial reenactments based on court transcripts and interviews with key participants, including expert scientists and Dover parents, teachers, and town officials, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" follows the celebrated federal case of Kitzmiller v. Dover School District.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The UNIONS are to Blame!

A fresh offering from one of the very few authentic claimants to the mantle of Tom Lehrer (another being my pal, Jim Terr, Santa Fe & Las Vegas, NM's premier satirist and filker...)

Monday, November 07, 2011


Herman Cain, the Right-wing Oreo-millionaire businessman who's 'running for the presidency' on the GOPhux side, was revealed recently to have paid hush-money to at LEAST three women for assaulting and insulting and sexually harassing them while he was the chief lobbyist for the Restaurant Association in DC. The first three complainants decided to forego the p[ublic scrutiny and potential humilition of mking their complaints public.

But now a fourth woman has come forward, represented by the bane of male turpitude of ALL kinds and descriptions, Gloria Allred, with GRAPHIC details of Cain's behavior, which included uninvited, unwanted physical contact, and a blatant quid-pro-quo come-on, promising a job lobbying with the RA in exchange for having sex with him...

The video beneath is Cain's reply to these allegations, as well as to the nearly unanimous condemnations he's received from the Black political community leaders, including Cornell West, Ishmael Reed, Glen Ford, and Harry Bellafonte.

Do NOT feel compelled to watch this.***

***But if you do, make sure YOU have the handy, brand NEW! Popeil pocket vomitoreum by your side, to capture the undigested remains of your lunch. This Cain fucker could gag an Orc.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Scrap the Cap -- Equal Liability for All

About one sixth of the people in the whole fucking country DEPEND on Social Security to make an even semi-dignified life in the "richest country on earth." That's the same number who are in poverty. Coincidence? WADDA YOU THINK?

The video may be funny, but the subject is serious—now more than ever, Social Security benefits are critical to the more than 50 million Americans who rely on them. Instead of cutting benefits or raising the retirement age, we're relying on you to protect working class families by scrapping the cap on payroll taxes.

Currently, workers are taxed only on their first $106,800 of income. People earning over that amount don't pay (FICA) taxes on that income. By simply requiring upper-income taxpayers to contribute at the same rate as many middle class families, Social Security's benefits could be improved, and its funding would remain in balance beyond the longest projections.
Working Americans are in trouble. 401(k)s were decimated by Wall Street, home values have plummeted, and nest eggs are gone - yet some in Congress continue to defend a lower Social Security payroll tax rate for millionaires than for middle class families.

Social Security has a surplus of more than $2 trillion - enough to cover benefits for 25 years or more. It is fully funded by the payroll contributions of American workers; it doesn't contribute a dime to the nation's deficit.

Now more than ever, Social Security benefits are critical to the more than 50 million Americans who rely on them. Instead of cutting benefits or raising the retirement age, we're relying on you to protect working class families by scrapping the cap on payroll taxes.

Currently, workers are taxed only on their first $106,800 of income. People earning over that amount don't pay taxes on that income. By simply requiring upper-income taxpayers to contribute at the same rate as many middle class families, Social Security's benefits could be improved, and its funding would remain in balance beyond the longest projections.

Please support the 50+ million working people and families who rely on Social Security benefits, and Just Scrap the Cap.