VINTAGE Agit-Prop!
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
1. Fox News 2. Rush Limbaugh 3. Glenn Beck 4. Michael Savage (nee. Michael Weiner) 5. Alex Jones (the most credulous skeptic ever) 6. The Heritage Foundation (Koch money) 7. The Wall Street Journal (Murdockian Editorial page) 8. Neal Boortz (his first piece of ass was) 9. Sean Hannity 10. Bill O'ReilyI'm sure there are more, but these will do. If you do happen to post anything from ANY of these sources, be aware that the reliability (i.e., "truth") of the matters will ALWAYS be in doubt. The original list I pulled off "The Examiner." I alone am responsible for the (italicized annotations. Please, feel free to augment or add to the list in COMMENTS below.
Also: 11. 12. National Review (including NRO) 13. Mark Levin (Wadda butt-hole!) 14. The Weekly Standard (the OTHER "Billy Crystol") 15. Washington Times (Moonies) 16. The American Conservative (Rod Dreher,* for fux sake?) 17. The Drudge Report (the name says it all) 18. The Cato Institute (more Koch money) 19. Media Research Center (Brent "Bozo" Bozell'd gag an orc) 20. (Freeper "News" Central)
Ughlier: 21. Red State (Erick Erickson, now inexplicably employed by CNN) 22. Andew Breitbart's Big Government ("Did" ACORN, e.g.) 23. The American Cause (Pat ("in the original German") Buchanan) 24. Christian Coalition 25. The John Birch Society (OLD Koch money) 26. Citizens United (eponymously renowned) 27. Freedom Works (Dick's Armey) 28. Tea Party Express 29. Tea Party Patriots 30. No Left Turns (John Ashbrook at Ashland U)...
Plus: 31. News Busters ("Exposing & Combatting Liberal Media Bias"), 32. News Max (Ben Stein, George Will, etc; fucking dreadful) 33. The New York Post (Murdock's "racy" Tab) 34. Conservative HQ 35. Sirius radio "Patriot" (the only people who boast of being "patiots" are dicks) 36. Conservative American News 37. Conservative Daily News (their names say it all) 38. Judicial Watch (Larry Klayman; nuff said.) 39. The Source Daily ( "I think therefore I am Conservative") 40. Republican National Committee
Follwoed by: 41. American Spectator (R. Emmetic Tyrell) 42, Reason Magazine (Liberturdian codswallop) 43. Where Freedom Rings (batty in the bell-tower) 44. Conservapedia (bwahahahahahaha) 45. The Right Side of the Web 46. CNS News ("Christian" News) 47. Michael Reagan (the BAD seed) 48. Family Research Council (Dominionism Central, in Colo Spr.) 49. Conservative Underground 50. Hugh Hewitt (He's a Huge Twit!)
I'd add a couple more: 51: EUTimes (a skinhead/supremacist outfit) 52. WorldNewsDaily (G.Gordon Liddy's drivel? Really?) 53: The Washington Post (barely less status quo-partisan than the Moonie rag) 54: Human Events (mAnn Coulter's their "legal" expert) 55: Prison Planet (an Alex Jones off-shoot) 56: RT (American arm of the Russian State Propaganda agency; the folks who once brought you Pravda, Trud and Isvestia)
Three years after the near collapse of global financial markets, America is still struggling with unemployment, debt, and foreclosure, European governments are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy—and the world's billionaires are getting richer faster than ever before. The current situation is not sustainable. But what changes need to be made to overcome this mounting crisis of our world economic system? How radical an adaptation will be required? David Harvey, the brilliant theorist and scathing critic of postmodern society, looks at what the future holds for global capitalism.If I were still teaching, I would be teaching this.
The Dr. S.T. Lee Distinguished Lecture Series in the Humanities brings to the Penn Humanities Forum scholars and artists whose work has advanced our understanding of issues central to the humanities.
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