Via makethemaccountable
FromI did the math. It works out to a mean rate of contrubution to every single Congressional candidate of $122,634.64. In one quarter. In the middle of a recession. With health-care for the average Murkin growing ever dimnmer, with the global climate catastrophe metastacizing, with the economy in tatters--but the banksters ever fatter and sleeker and greedier--the people either charged with or aspiring to govern us have been grubbing up to the lobbyist/special interest/corporatist money tit for every bit of lucre for which their vote--either real or potential--can be sold.
Capital Eye, 31-Jul-09An abominable
The nation’s congressional candidates — 1,374 in all — raised $168.5 million between April and June of this year and spent $73.6 million of that. That includes anyone with an open committee, whether they’re running in 2010, 2012 or beyond.
It's time to quit pretending. We don't have a democracy, no one in Washington gives a rat's ass what happens to ordinary Americans and there is no way in hell our corrupt political system can heal itself.
We are fucked. It's no wonder our "political discourse" is full of the "beer summit", and other idiocies. If the media ever broke free of their corporate moorings and told us what was really going on, it would depress the shit out of everyone and they would go crawl in a hole.
I don't have a solution, but finding more ways that our government, the Republiklans and the DemoRats, are corrupt, sleazy tools of the bankers and CEO's is just not doing it for me anymore. What the fuck can we do?
Wish I had an idea. We could hold a Constitutional Convention and start over but the same morons who strut around Capitol Hill would be elected delegates. We could have a revolution, but the right-wing loonies are heavily armed, not us. What the fuck do we do?
I have some firearms. I've got tits too which is all most of those turds in DC seem to notice besides money. I figure they might could be a secret weapon
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