I have never thought BHO was electable in the GE. The lack of that apostrophe--not "O'Bama"--was the QED. Not this year, at any rate, and withal, now, likely ever. I have stated in many a forum that, from my observations and experiences, "Mid-dull Murka" (as I fondly address that seething mass of thwarted expectation and racial choler) is not ready for ITS Prezanen to be any kind of black guy with Hussein for a middle name. Not in the midst of the furor over the GWOT, high oil (Middle Eastern--damn wogs) prices, home-wrecking gas prices, spiraling food costs and shrinking incomes, all of which can conveniently be blamed on the Iraqis and the rest of Towelheadland...
I am not thrilled with Hillary, either. With her gas-tax fiasco she demonstrated to me she'll toss the whole fuukin planet under the bus if it gains her an inch of political expediency. That is not the way to this old DFH's heart, you know?
Another (unpopular, often derided) opinion I have held for some time now is that: "the fix is in, the deck is stacked, the cards are marked, the dice are shaved, the table's rigged, the drinks are drugged (and short), the beef isn't, the dealers cheat, and the boss trains the dealers: that is, Bombin' Johnnie McShame's gonna be your... #44...
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
If he steals the election, stick a fork in this country cos it'll be done.
If McCain actually wins in a fair election, then this country deserves to go up in flames.
Obviously, I was wrong.
I blame it on the apostrophe. I was smitten with the cleverness of the allusion: O'Bama? Get it? It worked, historically, too. Six months out from the GE. I can live widdaqt.
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