Across the land there is much anticipation for Jan 20, 2009! The day of release from the Crawford Bondage. Freedom from Bush! Hallelulia!!! On another blog this morning, a commentor observed ...I’m just counting the minutes ’til he (the Chimp) gets the f*** out of our lives." TP, October 12th, 2008 at 8:30 am
I'm sorry to have to be the one to bear the news to you, friends, but "FUGGEDABODIT!" I am here to tell you that you/we will be feeling the direct effects of the Bushevik regime for the next 30 years, minimum. Because that's how long it will take all the Bushevik moles embedded in Govt over these last 8 years to die natural deaths or retire.
Not only is there the astonishing array of policies and practices needing to be repaired or cleansed resulting from Bushevikian policies (selling Nukes to India? What kind of fuuking idiocy is that? Preemptive war, economic meltdown, health care crisis, blatant corruption, war-=profiteering, the "National Security State," international terrorism, etc.) The list is fuuking ENDLESS. By design, they never touched anything they didn't fuck up.
But also do not forget there was a "Monica Goodling" at EVERY Department, Bureau, Agency, Office and Board of the Federal Government. Goodling, you will recall, was the Rightard/Xian fluff hired by Gonzales who was responsible for hiring ideological loyalists and religious fellow-travelers into CAREER positions in the DoJ, politicizing the People's law enforcers, and polluting the process with political chicanery. You can be SURE she was not the only one in the Fed with the job of ensuring ideological purity among hirees. They were everywhere, and as their legacies, they leave behind 'cells' of Bushevik parasites whose job it will be, until they retire or die, to use their positions, seniority and perqs to obstruct, or torpedo, or distract, or divert any and every reform in any Bureaucracy that might seem to undo the illegal, disreputable shit done over the last 8 years in the names of Bushevism and God...
You must realize this: The Busheviks have poisoned the ENTIRE federal bureaucracy with embedded cells of political and religious terrorists whose only job from Jan 20, on, will be to PREVENT, OBSTRUCT, DIVERT or UBDERMINE any reform to the systems they were (illegally) hired to pollute. And they're virtually untouchable, and their jobs are secure, because of the very laws that were violated to install them in the first place...
If Obama does become #44 (a BIG "If"), his first official act should be to purge the Govt of Bushie loyalists, and demand the resignations of EVERYBODY hired by the US govt over the last 8 years. Period. No exceptions. Every last swinging dick and dripping pussy, out...
The Meaning of "Woke"
11 months ago
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