...why Prez. Shamwow's squandered his leverage: He's doing what he was hired to do:
The Owners' bidding....
What amazes ME is that anybody EVER thought Shamwow would do ANYTHING at all but slobber all over the hands of the people--the Owners--who curried and cosseted and carried him to this pinnacle, this historic position. Bite 'em? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
He's a man whose father left, abandoned him. All his life he's striven for acceptance, approval, admiration. Got it too, from WHITE FOLKS. Now he's got the accolade that legitimizes him forEVER: The First Black/Non-White President of the USA.
If he lives through it, he's set for life.
He's not gonna upset the apple cart, or make the target on his back any bigger..
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