Is the Pope of the Roman Catholic persuasion? He's an ARCH-Racist, because he publically exploits the endemic racism of the nation for his own political and economic advantage. Duh!@!
On C&L yesterday there was a longish discussion about the merits denyingg from the notorious public bigot Rush Limbaugh permission to participate in a syndicate that was attempting to buy the St. Louis Rams of the NFL. Of what, if any, sin was the NFL, the Players' Union, and any number of opponents of the move, guilty? Howard Kurtz' TV interview with ESPN's Mike Wilbon, who is black, and in which Kurtz was at distinct pains to deflect Wilbon's mild and judicious criticism over Limbaugh's well-documented public record of racial and ethnic slurs at despised "others," provided the context.
In the course of the thread that followed, Limbaugh's alleged remark that "Slavery hadn't been so bad..." became the subject of a minor flurry of posts, in the course of which I took it upon myself to render the following opinion:
Without Slavery and Genocide, The USofA COULDN'T have succeeded.
It wouldn't exist, and certainly not as we know it.
What were the two most feared events in colonial Murka, especially on the east Coast? Raids by "savages" (insurgents protecting their homes), and slave rebellions (the struggle for liberty, etc).
In Murka today, the exception is not Rush, the racist, because the USofA is still, and probably always be a nation of racists, because racism--the system of agreements, and arrangements, and policies and practices which support, approve, and even endorse consequential bias, bigotry, and diecrimination--is built into the dna of the country.
The exception is the really RARE 'white' person who is NOT a player in the racism of the State. I'd go so far as to say that anyone whose self-identification included "white" in a prominent role--within the first three or four words--was probably, whether knowingly or not, likely to be guilty of behaviors that betrayed their self-conscious 'superiority' to minorities.
And maybe they'd be embarrassed if it were pointed out; but probably not. They'd be defensive, uncomfortable with the truth.
What's ironic is that possibly the only occasion in all his public bloviation when he might have actually been telling the (uncomfortable) truth, he claims he didn't say it...
We are a nation of assholes. As with all personality disorders, a certain measure of--if not complete--recovery is possible. But you gotta wanna kick the habit. The obdurate defenders of the racism of Rush, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and the rest have not made the first necessary step: recognizing there's a problem.
On the day they do, Rupert Murdoch's empire will start slowly to unravel. But until then, he and his willing stooges are coining money, and having far too much influence...