TruthOut.Org has the following: The Missouri Lege is ready to pass and to send on to Gov. Blunt--who has already pledged to sign it--a bill which would impose regulatory language on Mo. abortion clinics that would effectively drive existing abortion providers out of business, and prevent new ones from being established. It would also restrict 'sex education' in schools to programs dominated by the 'abstinence-only' stance.
Somebody check and see if Gov. Blunt's been giving "ovary checks" and 'egg-counts" to poor, teenage girls in foster care in the Guv's office...cuz that's the kind of sleazy shit these 'pro-life' fuckers pull, if nobody's watching 'em.
Iirc, Missouri was one of the 'pick-up' states, where tolerance was thought to be rebounding, based on the '06 election results...
What this illustrates most compellingly is that, when human rights are taken off the national table and relegated to the far less carefully scrutinized Leges in the States, human rights are far more vulnerable to challenge, if not out-right revocation, by the prejudices of the 'majority.'
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
Did you know that Nancy Pelosi has a call named Impeachment?
It keeps jumping on and off the table.
Hey, WGG,
Women's reproductive systems provide lots of opportunity for unscrupulous types to (1) get their jollies and (2) distract voters from policies that affect their real and compelling life interests, such as affordable health care, corporate malfeasance, our disappeared industrial base, the pending environmental catastrophe, and illegal wars.
OT--just read your profile. Johnny Got His Gun is one of my all-time favorite movies and, sadly, an allegory for our current era, as well as its own time.
Hey Woody - have you noticed how Missouri is determined these days to out-Oklahoma Oklahoma?
Tena, dahlin, as a texikun you GOTTA know: Nobody 'out-Okies" an Okie...
that red river's good fer sumpin...
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