These allegations were included in the .pdf in the previous post. But if you are a like I am, you'd rather have teeth pulled without anaesthesia than go through the rigors of downloading a .pdf file. Here, a newspaper reporter has done what I had neither the patience nor the stomach for. It's for this reason we NEED newspapers.
Meta: Somebody in the comments over at Digby, in response to a Tristero post on the matter, asked (rhetorically, I presume): (... how he could live with himself as probably the most obvious).
I replied: Did anyone mention that he probably CAN'T live with himself, and that's why he's tried to cover himself in so many layers of suet? It's the Picture of Dorian Grey, but worn as flesh, in public...
The Meaning of "Woke"
11 months ago
This is a sickening story. I read the affidavit the other day. What I haven't seen discussed yet is Foster Care and what is going on in this country in foster homes. The criminality is staggering - dead and abused children everywhere.
tena, indifference to the living is the apparently eternal concomitnt with hypostatization of the "pre-born"...they love's ya between conception and birth, but after that, cully, yer on yer own...
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