Gonzo ain’t gonna resign…
Indeed, i expect his behavior to become more and more outrageous and bizarre…
His job now is to draw ALL the attention of the Congress onto himself, to MAKE Congress impeach him, thereby drawing away all the oxygen from other efforts to impeach cheney/bush.
Any contemplated impeachment of Gonzales would occupy the Congress’s attention through the rest of this year, and probably well into the primary season. There's no way there could be enough energy--much less, the votes--needed to pursue aggressive investigations into Cheney/Bush's malfeasances with an 'on-going investigation' of Abu Bin Gonzo.
In a strange way, impeaching Gonzales would actually benefit the GOPhascist fux because it would focus attention on one, relatively minor actor in the drama, and relieve the rest of the Busheviks, and not incidentally the aspirants to replace them, of the scrutiny they so richly deserve and so desperately need.
And the greasy li'l pimp’ll be amply rewarded. One could expect dozens of “free Alberto" defense/slush funds to spring up, to be financed by donations from the wealthiest members of the GOPhascist inner circle. Proceeds from which he'd be free to dispose of as he wished.
Impeaching Gonzo will be GOOD for the GOPukes.
(Cross-posted at Firedoglake.com)
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
Dems have the biggest say on his successor.
It's probably why Comey is playing up Olson so well.
The Dems could really finagle him and appoint pressure them to put in Fitz or Comey.
Any AG with even the slightest amouynt of balance could send the house of cards toppling, despite numerous people at every level appointed to undermine him or her.
PS- Truncate your posts for Haloscan and you should be right back at Eschaton, Woody.
gtg get sleep again, the mediicne kicks in hard...
if (and it's a bif 'if') gonzales steps down, he'll wait until just before the next congressional recess. the chimp will then install a recess appointee--Santorum?. the dems'll just have to eat shit and die...w/out a critical press--and by that i mean mainly television--the bushies can and will get away with their shit indefinitely.
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