The root problem with the class division in the USofA is that we've never had a real, class-based, revolutionary blood-letting.
We've never cleaned out the Aristos, never beheaded the courtiers, never dispropriated the rich; so they believe and behave as if they have their privilege by irrevocable, divine right. They are confident that the USer people are sufficiently docile that they won't have to worry about their sins and crimes...
The situation is that the Owners and Bosses are not afraid of us, or not afraid enough, anyway....So they have no dis-incentive to fuck with us. There is no cost to 'em, no price they pay, no 'tax' on their privileges when they undermine the social contract, and eviscerate the safety nets...
So they fuck us with impunity, without any reflection on the consequences of their decisions. In a real democracy, they'd never try to palm off this ridiculous, expensive, no-change "health care reform" bill on the people. They'd be too afraid of the public reaction (cf: burning vehicles in the streets of France, e.g.)...
They're as insulated as money can buy, owning both the police and the military... They don't have to look over their fur-clad shoulders, or worry about too much ostentation. They don't have to mind their steps, or avoid affronting the poor, because they have the police to protect them. They are immune from the consequences of their deeds.
And that's not good for the rest of us...
The Meaning of "Woke"
11 months ago
no shit cisco
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