Not everyone who served in Nam was a "baby-killer."
But Bombin' Johnnie was.
He conducted indiscriminate bombing raids on civilian population centers and infrastructure 23 times.
He got shot down on the 23 mission.
His A-4 crashed into a lake near Hanoi.
He was rescued from the wreck and from drowning by the very people he had been trying to kill.
For years he's lied about being tortured in captivity. His injuries were incurred in the plane crash and the rescue, for which there apparently wasn't much extra time for gentleness.
He was operated on to treat the injuries, without anaesthesia. But there wasn't much anaesthesia in Hanoi in 1967. They used most of it on the victims of Bombin' Johnnie and his buddies.
On the other hand, they could--and arguably should--have let him die.
Later, he collaborated with the North Vietnamese propaganda machine. Probably, he betrayed his shipmates by enumerating the ship off which he flew, his squadron, their capabilities, and their casualties. All that is documented.
Bombin' Johnnie's not a hero, folks. There was nothing remotely "honorable" or "heroic" about anything ANY American soldier, sailor, marine or airman did in Nam.
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago