This Week in History is a collection designed to help us appreciate the fact that we are part of a rich history advocating peace and social justice. While the entries often focus on large and dramatic events there are so many smaller things done everyday to promote peace and justice.
To the real peace advocates - YOU!
June 11, 1962:
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held its founding convention in Michigan and issued The Port Huron Statement, laying out its principles and program.
“Making values explicit—an initial task in establishing alternatives—is an activity that has been devalued and corrupted. The conventional moral terms of the age, the politician moralities—’free world,’ ‘people's democracies’—reflect realities poorly, if at all, and seem to function more as ruling myths than as descriptive principles.”
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
Wonderful post, Woody - I just love it.
Email me, please. I've lost your address, most foolishly.
where i was in the summer of '62 was up to my aweat glands in art and debauchery, and i was just past my 16th birthday.
that summer i landed a plum, 40-50 hr/wk job on the crew of the santa fe opera as a apprentice set builder and stage hand. i was large for the time and place, and had a nominal familiarity with hand-tools. it was an incredibly cool summer.
i turned pages for igor stravinsky at a cocktail party while, on the piano--he must have been 80--he accompanied george shirley who sang summertime...
true story
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