Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Hairline" Sean Hannity Volunteers To Get Waterboarded For Charity

They'd make A LOT OF MONEY if they auctioned off the privilege of waterboarding the gutless, vile, vicious shitheel. I'd pay real money for the chance to inflict terror on his empty little soul...$10,000 just to (not gently) stuff the dirty, shit-soaked rag into his vile, feculent, vicious, drooling gob...

How anyone whose hairline intersects his eyebrows can be regarded as a credible source for anything I have no idea. And normally--except for efforts to humiliate Bill O'Reilly (shoot the fucker in the nutz with a taser)--I eschew remarking upon anything pertaining to or involving Faux "News," but I can make an exception in this case. I won't waste the bandwidth supplying here the actual clip, and instead supply you with a link if you choose to defile you bytes and pixels with the unmitigated crap and bullshit spewed last night by the nation's leading torture-exponent (via TheMom, whose gag-reflex is somewhat weaker than my own and is apparently able to sit through the whole thing). TheMom writes:
Once you get through all the bullshit between these two (Charles Somebody, an actor), the offer was made by Sean (gag) Hannity, to be waterboarded FOR CHARITY!!!! WTF?!?! I wonder if the waterboarding would have gone easier on the enemy combatants...if they offered to do it for charity? Hannity is one of those Cheney followers, as we well know, and says he doesn't believe in torture, but waterboarding is OK.

One part of this clip even brings up the ANN COULTER name. What a darling she is and how much Hannity likes her. {{{{gagging still}}}}!!

After Dubya managed to weasel back into the White House in '04...Hannity's mantra was "get over it - you lost!" Now that the tables have turned - he just can't "get over it!" I have been to every "hate Sean Hannity" site on the internet - and he still will not go away!

Bottom line - I WANT TO SEE HANNITY WATERBOARDED BY THE PROFESSIONALS! Not by some dipshit with a water pitcher. But face it, this will never happen. Sean Hannity is a pussy. He's an overbearing, know-it-all (yet knows nothing) asshole. And NO, I am not president of his fan club!
That guy who got the treatment 183 times in a month would be the poster child for charitable contibutions. I would actually pay real money to watch that helmet-haired little fucknozzle waterboarded by somebody who wasn't trying NOT to hurt him...


themom said...

Thanks for the connect. The actor's name is Grodin I believe. I remember him from years back - he wasn't funny either. No matter...if other forms of torture need to be displayed, I nominate the Hannity ogre.

Flying Junior said...

Thanks for the link to mom, Wood. Acid really does permanently change the way your mind thinks, doesn't it? Oh well.


What else is their to say?