Monday, April 06, 2009

Ooopsie-Fuckin'-Doopsie! Top Army Chaplain Declares Service-Wide Day of Fasting For Seder

This is pretty funny, really.

The big-time Army General in charge of the Chaplains' Corps decided to schedule a service-wide "Day of Prayer and Fasting" without checking to see whether it might, you know, conflict with anybody else's holy days.

I mean, isn't everybody in the Army's a Baptist, right? Via The Public Record:
The U.S. Army’s Chief of Chaplains was harshly criticized for being insensitive to other faiths by issuing a proclamation that calls on Army personnel and their families to participate in a "Day of Prayer and Fasting" on Wednesday, the first night of Passover, one of the highest holy days in the Jewish Calendar marked by a traditional feast called a Seder.

Maj. Gen. Douglas L. Carver, the Army's Chief of Chaplains, indicated that he did not consult a calendar before deciding to schedule April 8 as the "Day of Prayer and Fasting." He did say, however, that the date is linked to his Southern Baptist roots, even though his proclamation purports to be representative of all faiths.

In a March 31 interview with Baptist Press, Carver said, "April 8 is a Wednesday and prayer meeting night for Southern Baptists, so we really encourage not only Baptists but all local churches to pray for the military."

"One of the greatest things Southern Baptists can do is pray for our soldiers and their families," Carver said. "We've asked our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen to protect and defend our great land. They're encouraged when they know our local churches are praying for them."

Carver’s proclamation has already angered dozens of Jewish members of the Army who have lodged complaints with the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), a watchdog group that seeks to force the military to adhere to religious neutrality guidelines.

One Jewish member of the Army who received Carver's proclamation said it is “an insult to all Jews.”

“Asking Jewish members of the armed forces to fast on that day displays unconscionable arrogance by the Army Chief of Chaplains,” said this person, who requested anonymity for fear of retribution.

Neither Carver nor a Pentagon spokesman returned calls for comment.
My Local boy, (former) Col. Mikey Weinstein is on the case. But there is a shit-pot more to this, and these sumbitches in the higher echelons of the military gotta get "God" the fuck outta their general orders.

The Military Brass love "god" cuz it gives the troops consolation when they're looking at dying in some shit-hole for reasons they will NEVER understand...

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Can't we declare Sunday, April 12th, Libation to the Lares and Penates Day? I just did.