Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Don't Twitter, But...

If I did, here's one I'd send:
Torture? Listening to Brittney Spears, or eating egg-plant, THAT is torture. If somebody tells me "water-boarding" is torture, and they've done it? I BELIEVE them!!!

EDIT: Torture? B. Spears! Egg-plant! I know torture. So somebody says "water-boarding" is torture & they've done it? I BELIEVE 'em!!!

That's under 140 now!


The Future Was Yesterday said...

Torture is "The View",
"The morning Joe."

I locked the network containing both out of my cable.

themom said...

Nope - 24 of your letters would have been left off on Twitter. C'mon keep it to 140 characters...heehee.

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

Okay, Mom, version 2:

Torture? B. Spears! Egg-plant! I know torture. So somebody says "water-boarding" is torture & they've done it? I BELIEVE 'em!!!That's under 140 now!