The OML-LBS (Abq Div) conducted its first meeting last evening at O'Neill's Pub on Central Avenue. Present for the inaugural meeting were Russ, proprietor of the Private Buffoon blog, PM Prescott, proprietor of three distinctive blogs (Captain's Log, his Family&Friends blog, and a site at which may be found Pat's first novel, Optimus) and Y'r Ob'd't S'v't (whose bloggy enterprises are listed here in the right-hand margin). A couple of others were invited but were unfortunately otherwise occupied or too distant to make it in a timely fashion.
This was the first occasion any of us had met in meat-space, though we read and comment on one another's blogs pretty regularly. It was agreed that this would not be the LAST, and that we would endeavor to expand our membership, not limiting it to "Old men," but attempting to be as 'catholic' as possible within the parameters of Left-Lib blogging.
I drank 5 or 6 pints of a local brew, Marble Brewery's IPA, which is VERY hoppy, and has a sharp, grapefruity finish. Very tasty. The food's good, too, but pricey; I can afford to either eat or drink when out, and I mostly prefer the latter. Pints were $5/each.
Budreau accompanied me, in the car, and proved again that he is a wicked chick-magnet. He captured the attention of one particularly pretty young thing from clear across the parking lot as we were driving in. She had begun moving toward the car even before it had completely stopped, and presented herself at the window for an introduction (and presenting ME with a vision of swelling bosom, the likes of which I have not enjoyed for some several months.) He's a very handsome beast, almost 'pretty,' with his tawny coat, pink nose, and yellow, lion-like eyes: 70 pounds of watchful. Women LOVE him, and sometimes (but irregularly) even notice me.
O'Neill's is a venue of some antiquity as far as pubs in Albuquerque are concerned. In its current location, where it has been for several years, it occupies the space that was once a really notorious joint, back in the '70s, called Ned's. Ned's also has been around a long time and--despite its chequered reputation--still operates, but in its own new location. When it was Ned's, back then, I got my little brother (13 years my junior) drunk there one afternoon, after I had just gotten out of the USAF, when he was still a pre-teen. Later he fell when he staggered while running, and broke his arm...
Good Times...
Do these other two guys know anything Woody?? I will make it down to join you guys but 6 pints would damn near kill me. There were a lot of yucks I'm sure.
I bet that made mom real happy getting your brother all pissed up.
Sounds like you had a great time. go for it!
I was nine, I wasn't running, I was walking up hill, and I didn't stagger, I tripped. And don't forget that our holy roller sister was there,too, as well as our mother, chortling at the tipsy birthday boy. I think everyone enjoyed my debauching. I don't think Mom approved entirely, but she was of the train-'em-early-train-'em-right school.
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