Good Riddance To The Gingrichites
CBS' Meyer: GOP 'Chess Club' Ruled The House For 12 Years And Won't Be Missed
"This is a story I should have written 12 years ago when the "Contract with America" Republicans captured the House in 1994. I apologize.
"Really, it's just a simple thesis: The men who ran the Republican Party in the House of Representatives for the past 12 years were a group of weirdos. Together, they comprised one of the oddest legislative power cliques in our history. And for 12 years, the media didn't call a duck a duck, because that's not something we're supposed to do..."
Such noble reticence! What a guy is our Dick, all clear-eyed, and disrespectfully judgmental. What a guy! Courage simply shines from his every word. There he stands: a journalist whom Izzy Stone could have loved and respected...
Except he's lying in his teeth.
"For 12 years, the media didn't call a duck a duck, because that's not something we're supposed to do."
I'll bet there are no few members of the Clinton administration, and a President, himself, who might take exception to that claim, well within that 12-year window of opportunity. If Meyer didn't himself call Clinton a liar, or a hypocrit, or umpteen kinds of corrupt, venal, and immoral, he surely countenanced several dozen other CBS employees who did.
"Dick" Meyers can take his apology and shove it up his reeking, incontinent ass...He COULD have written it ANYFUCKING TIME in the previous 12 years. Hell, I'd have settled for any fucking time in the last SIX fucking years.
Instead this chickenshit fucknozzle, this gutless hack, this spineless shitwhistle, this cloying toady, this boot-licking satrap to power chose to wait, to postpone revealing his long-held understanding of the epic sleaziness of the GOPuke Congressional cabal until the political winds had shifted a bit, before venturing his meek critique of the rise of fascism, its ennablers, and it's still ascendant influence in the US Congress.
Jeezis, where do they FIND these worthless lumps of spoilt semen?
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
Yo Woody,
Your vocabulary and creative use of the vernacular never ceases to amaze me.
It's me, Aaron in NM. I've been posting elsewhere with my new handle. Hadn't been around eschaton much lately. Howza bouta beer sometime amigo? I know that the Drinking Liberally's have usually been happening on Thursdays as I recall. That's the only day I can't make it.
Drop me a line and I'll buy you a celebratory beer.
hey, thanks aaron...great to see yuz...
absolutely, lets guzzle some still got my phone #? i think i've lost yours somewhere
or email me at konopelli at hotmail
"...this chickenshit fucknozzle, this gutless hack, this spineless shitwhistle, this cloying toady, this boot-licking satrap..."
Oh my!
This is the Woody I've come to rely on. I'd pay serious coin to see you anchor a news program in your own inimitable style. No mincing of words, no equivocation, take-no-prisoners. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, you, sir, are a righteous bastard.
[in vino veritas]
occasionally you can still summon epic bursts of inventive invective
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