Monday, December 25, 2006

I Totally Recommend Taking A 10-Minute Break, and Watching The Linked Video

The illusionist--one Jerome Murat, apparently a French mimo--totally redefines the territory of Mimesis...

Take a few minutes to luxuriate in the imagination, skill, and mastery of this one, folks.

Merry X-mas...


P. Drāno said...

I saw this a while ago, it is startling. I think he was on French TV up here. People in the U.S. often think of mime as some typically French nuisance, which is understandable, but there's a combination of stuff in this act that goes back (I would think) to mediaeval showmanship.
What's your theoretical exegesis?
Oh, Merry Xmas.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Saw some good mimes in Paris a few years back but none as amazing as this one. I've watched it twice and haven't figured how he does it. Thanks.