Spontaneously, all by its' bleeding self, the pseudo-aneurysm diagnosed on my femoral artery yesterday seems, overnight, to have sealed itself off and restored the artery to normal, according to today's sonogram.
As I suggested to the sonogram tech, we should put my artery on E-Bay, the way they sell English Muffins with the likeness of the virgin, and statues that start bleeding...
I was pleased with this outcome...
The Meaning of "Woke"
1 year ago
Please, please, please don't get all religious and spiritual on me. I couldn't live in a world with a Holy Roller Woody.
Warm congrats on the disappearance of your beautiful, bouncing, baby pseudo-aneurysm. I guess that why it's labelled "pseudo."
How 'bout another small miracle for the rest of us? Get our country back.
Terrific good news for you...cheers.
good news for a good man.
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